Haydanka, Yevheniy: Transitology

Haydanka, Yevheniy: Transitology
Autor: Yevheniy Haydanka
Vydavateľstvo: Filozofická fakulta Trnavskej univerzity v Trnave
Rok vydania: 2022
Jazyk anglický
Počet strán: 67
ISBN 978-80-568-0462-9

The present handbook endeavours to systematize comparative political science theories accounting for democratic transits. From the second half of the twentieth century until the present, transitological procedures have helped scholars to delve into the design and prospects of democratic transits. The decay of democratic regimes in Central Europe confirms that the methodology of 21st-century transitology needs updating.
This handbook covers a range of themes useful for political science majors at the Faculty of Philosophy of Trnava University and future professionals interested in the preconditions (liberalization), processes (democratization), and consequences of democratic transitions (consolidation of democracy) in different countries.